The Rutherford Family

The Rutherford Family
Our Family- photo by Harvest Moon Photography

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

another video

I'm two months old!

Melia had her two month check up the other day. She's 85%tile in weight and height. She's HUGE! :) She weighs 11 and a half pounds! Here are pictures of her on her two month birthday.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Smiles, Noises, and Coos!

Melia makes a new noise everday. Sometimes she even sounds like she's saying "Hi!" Her favorite noises to make are what Grandma Sue calls "Pony noises." Melia sounds like a little horsey. Here are some videos of her smiling and making noises for you to enjoy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm So Strong!

Melia can push down with her legs now! Soon she'll be using them to push herself around on the floor and before we know it- to walk!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Melia and Mommy

It doesn't take much...

Melia in the Snugli...

Melia two seconds later... zonked...