The Rutherford Family

The Rutherford Family
Our Family- photo by Harvest Moon Photography

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Photos from the Dedication

Melia on her dedication day

Mommy, Daddy, and Melia with the tree planted on Melia's dedication

The proud parents and grandparents with Melia

Video of the prayer for Melia

This video didn't turn out the best, but you can hear one of our pastors praying for Melia.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Melia's Dedication

Melia was dedicated to God at church today. We went on stage and publicly proclaimed we'd raise her in the "way she should go" and then the pastors prayed for her. She wore the Aden baptismal gown that was made out of WWII parachute fabric and was the gown Casey wore when he was baptized. After we had a reception at our house and we planted an oak tree. It was a very sunny day today! Happy Mother's Day!