The Rutherford Family

The Rutherford Family
Our Family- photo by Harvest Moon Photography

Friday, January 16, 2009

First Step

Melia took her first official step at daycare the other day. There hasn't been much action since... except today at the DMV it seemed like she was about to take off... but she didn't...

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Melia's First Birthday Party!


Melia's Cake!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Talking, almost walking!

Melia is getting so big! She is wanting to talk and I swear says a new word every day! She can say night night, ball, buh bye, ma ma, da da, and tries to say doggie (da) and milk (mi). She also tries to communicate with signs that we've been teaching her. She signs milk, more, eat, doggie, music, all done, please (sort of) and bath (sort of). We've been practicing walking and some days it seems like she's ready to take off and others like her legs are rubber... things seem like they're headed toward 1 nap a day too... Melia is also officially an exclusive sippy cup user as of today!